GDM Avocats - cheminée


Our interventions with the clients reflect the scope of our capability to provide counsel in all fields associated with the bankruptcy, insolvency and restructuring of businesses.

We have assisted various clients in the framework of insolvency proceedings in Luxembourg, including but not limited to the gestion contrôlée. We were requested to provide legal support to our Luxembourgish clients in insolvency proceedings pending in Germany and in the U.S. Chapter 11 proceedings.

No matter the degree of complexity of the file or the difficulties that triggered insolvency, we consider ourselves partners in the search for viable solutions, aimed at resolving the issues arising from bankruptcy and insolvency matters quickly, pragmatically and cost-effectively, with as little damage to reputation as possible.

In addition to solving difficult financial situations, our expertise extends to the practical advice we provide to directors and executives regarding the potential personal liability risks associated with managing businesses in financial difficulties. Our lawyers dealing with tax litigation have often assisted the managers of commercial companies experiencing financial difficulties in the context of guarantee call proceedings (procédures fiscales d’appel en garantie) initiated by the tax authorities against them.